Test of the SMS Emergency Broadcast system

Dear BIS Community,

Today, you should have received a text message from the school stating “This is a test of BIS’s emergency SMS broadcast system”.

If you did not, this means that the school does not have your correct contact information in cases of emergencies. If this is the case, please immediately write to Ibu Lea at lwidiarti@baliis.net and confirm your number with her.

The school will use this SMS system in cases of emergencies in order to keep you informed or to give you instructions concerning your child.

Some examples:

  • “There is political unrest in the area and the school will be closed until it is considered safe. You will be advised of the re-opening of school by a subsequent text message. BIS”
  • “After today’s earthquake, we will be checking all our buildings for damage / structural issues, so please come immediately to pick up your child from our big field area. BIS”

Please be aware that in many cases of emergency, the mobile telephone systems can be overloaded or impacted. In this case, we will not be able to use this system and I would ask that you model appropriate emergency protocols by remaining calm, ensuring your own safety and trusting the school.

It is important to note that in the case of a lockdown, parents will not be admitted to the campus. In these case, please again, ensure your own safety and wait for the school to contact you.

Hopefully, we will never need to use this system, but it is important to have it functioning properly for cases of emergency, so please do ensure that we always have your most up-to-date contact details.

Thank you,
Denise Walsh
Head of School