BIS Emergency Procedures

Both Primary and Secondary students have been informed of the new emergency procedures at BIS which now include separate actions for “Immediate Threat’ and ‘Earthquake’ situations. Check EMERGENCY PROCEDURE GENERAL 2017 for the document.

We have held two emergency drills for the ‘Immediate Threat’ procedure (one where staff were informed and one completely unannounced) and both students and staff have responded very well on each occasion.

It is important that the rest of the BIS community (parents, pembantus, drivers, carers) also respond appropriately in these emergency situations. If the short burst ‘Immediate Threat’ siren is sounded you must enter the nearest room and remain out of site until the all clear is given either with the evacuation siren or via the PA system. If you are in the playground/big field areas move behind the nearest suitable cover be it a tree, building, or wall.

We will continue to conduct emergency drills throughout the school year to ensure the BIS community is confident in knowing the action to take in an emergency situation.

If you have any questions regarding BIS security please feel free to contact me via email (, at the new PE office, or at the front of school each morning.