Primary – Sharing our Learning in Different Ways

By the time you get to Grade 5, you have had time to practise presenting understanding, knowledge and skills in a variety of ways.

Teachers call this, using your Learning Styles and we, know it as Making Conclusions in our Inquiry Cycle.

Some of these are:

  • Auditory – musical
  • Physical – kinesthetic
  • Visual – spatial
  • Verbal – linguistic


In designing our Primary Share time as a reflection on our Unit, we thought about our learning styles and how we could use them to share our learning.  We formed groups with others who preferred the same style of expression and worked collaboratively to create material to share.

The auditory group wrote a RAP, that goes something like this…

Puk puk chhhh puk puk puk puk Chhhh!

Gravity…pull…what goes up must come down!

If it hits you on the head, you’ll get a big frown!

Puk puk chhhh puk puk puk puk Chhhh!

Buoyancy…mass…buoyancy is cool, it’s an upward force!

It helps us swim around an entire course!


When you’re sitting on a floaty that’s a unicorn shape,

You think buoyancy, that’s why you float…it’s GREAT!

Puk puk chhhh puk puk puk puk Chhhh!



In the physical group, students scripted a play to show Isaac Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion.

As visual learners, Grade 5 made posters considering layout and presentation to display forces in motion.




Finally, the verbal group, shared their conclusions of forces acting on boats during our experiment.

Together, this formed our Sharetime performance and reflection of our Unit: How the World Works.