Grade 5 Suffer Totalitarian Regime!

Absolute power!

Grade 5 were subjected to a totalitarian regime first period this morning. We are learning about types of government and how they function. The simulation was to help the grade 5 students understand what it would feel like for people living under a totalitarian regime. Simulations allow students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts. Here are some examples of their reflections.

“Now I know how people feel when they are under control by a dictator”

” I was surprised that she was a girl dictator not a boy”

” I felt empathy because it must be so sad that people have to

follow such bad rules and they have to suffer a lot”

“We were not allowed to think what we wanted and have a say in things’

“We had to obey what the great almighty one told us. We had no choice”

“I felt scared, weird, controlled, kind of bullied and used. While we were controlled I felt like I wanted to get revenge”