Dismissal and End of Day Procedures


Students are dismissed from school at 14:45. Please note that all primary students, Preschool through to Grade 5, must be picked up by their parent, guardian, pembantu, driver or secondary school sibling. No primary students will be allowed to leave the main campus if not accompanied by one of these individuals. The classroom teacher must be aware of who is picking up your child. Students may only remain on campus if they are involved in the after school programme or supervised by a school employee.

Primary students (accompanied by parents), may play in the primary playground area next to the primary office. The playground is supervised by school employees until 15:15 (except Tuesdays) on days when it is not being used for after school activities. No student should be in the playground when it is not supervised by school employees. Parents are asked to ensure this happens.

If children have not been collected from classrooms by 15:00 because of some unforeseen delay, they are

  • Escorted to the library by classroom assistants, where they can be picked up to go home by delayed adults. Primary students who are waiting to be picked up are seated in allocated sofas by the entrance of the library for convenience. Sometimes, other primary students (and their parents) can also be found in the library after school. These are typically families who are waiting for siblings to finish after school activities, or are waiting to attend activities that begin later in the afternoon.

  • Escorted to after school activities and left with activity supervisors. When activities end, parents or guardians must collect all primary students. This parental responsibility is fundamental to participation in the after school activity programme. If children are not collected by 16:00, they are escorted to the library. They are then reported to the primary office, where this delay is recorded and parents are contacted.



All secondary students must go home at the end of the school day unless:

  • they have an ASA

  • they are waiting in the library for a sibling who is in an ASA

  • they are staying with a teacher for after school support

  • they have teacher’s permission to work on group project in the library


  • Students may not remain in classrooms unsupervised after 3pm

  • The library may not be used to  play games, watch youTube etc.

  • Bags must be left outside the library

  • All secondary students must go home at 16:00 unless they have a specific activity supervised by a teacher or coach. Teachers and coaches are responsible for students leaving the campus.

  • Secondary students may go the warung between 2.45 and 3.00pm only unless they are leaving the school and not returning.