Calculators for grade 10 Maths next year
Students in grade 10 are required to have a Graphic Display Calculator to become competent with the more complicated functions before moving into the Diploma program.
As a department we recommend the TI-84 Plus Silver, but any TI-84 would be fine. It is important that if you choose to buy a different Graphic Display Calculator, such as a Casio, that you ask a DP teacher or check online to ensure that it is allowed in the IB exams and the SAT tests if students are considering studying at a university in the USA.
The school only has a limited number of GDCs in stock and they are priced at 2.3million IDR. It is often much cheaper to purchase overseas, so if you are travelling abroad for the summer we recommend looking into prices. The alternative is to buy calculators online and the department recommends either or www.
Any further queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Your friendly neighbourhood maths department.