Message from Head of School

I would like to thank the BIS community for a warm welcoming both as Head of School, and as a new parent to our community. This morning the PTA welcomed 35 new families to our community as well, lovely to meet you all and welcome!

Mr. Sutherland has an update for us all about safety procedures, please read his notice carefully. For your information, the buildings at BIS have been inspected by engineers and they have given us their stamp of approval regarding the construction. We will continue to monitor and check after each earthquake to ensure your child’s safety.

We have sent an email and a SMS message after Sunday’s quake and again yesterday. If you are not receiving our communications, please make sure we have your correct contact information with the Primary or Secondary Assistant. Thank you.

I have contracted Fun Bites to provide coffee, fresh juices and pastries in our courtyard. They will begin on September 3.

Please note the following calendar change:
Meet the Teachers has been moved to August 24.
August 24 will now consist of a Primary and Secondary Open House, followed by the PTA Potluck and Meet the Teachers get together. As a parent you will learn about your child’s experience and then have an opportunity to mingle with the teachers. Should be a fun evening! Thank you to the PTA for your assistance and support.


What a great week, Week 1 has been. I would like to thank our Grade 11 teachers and counselor for providing our juniors with a retreat experience. They will learn so much about the rigors of the next two years and they will forge those strong student – teacher relationships that can make such a difference during the stressful times that will come. I would like to thank our senior students who jumped in to lead our community in providing assistance for those in need on our neighboring island of Lombok. Great leadership and initiative! We are a caring community.


Indonesian Independence Day is next Thursday.
We will hold an all school Flag Raising Ceremony at 8:00 a.m. Please join us to celebrate our host Nation!