Message from the Head of School

Mr. Kib Roby, our Board Chair and I will be away at EARCOS from Tuesday afternoon through Sunday of next week. EARCOS is the East Asia Regional Council of Schools Organization that Bali Island School belongs to. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will be attending a workshop designed for Heads of Schools and Board Members. Over the following days we will be learning with school leaders from our region as members of the Leadership Conference. Ms. Elfira Nadia Boru Pandia, our marketing coordinator, will also attend the Leadership Conference.


First Aid Training
Annabel Nicolson, a Secondary student at BIS, has developed an ASA for students and parents to earn a First Aid Certificate from Penta Medica. Parents are welcome to join, if interested.


Batik Fridays
Please help us celebrate our host nation by encouraging your child to wear the Batik BIS shirt on Fridays! We had 50% of students wearing Batik today, let’s see what next Friday brings…


Math Help for Secondary Students
Our Math Department and Mr. Ferris are each offering an afternoon a week to assist our students to understand Math concepts and acquire Math skills. If your child is struggling please encourage him/her to join for a session or two in order to fill in that gap of understanding. Sometimes all it takes in a 15-minute session to get back on track. If your child is excelling and wants to extend his/her learning this is also a wonderful opportunity to do just that. What we are really hoping for is that our Secondary students develop the reflective ability to realize that they have a gap/ want to learn more, to then seek the extra help until the understanding is there. That is Ownership of the Learning Process! Thank you to Ms. Wood, Mr. Collins and Mr. Gokalp as well as Mr. Ferris for providing this wonderful support.


November 8-9
School will not be in session on November 8 and 9. Our faculty will be working collaboratively to improve our units, develop policy, and share best practice regarding assessment.


Prayer Room at BIS
In order to support students who wish to pray during the school day, Bali Island School would like to make available a Prayer Room. The room is located next to the big field and the photocopy room. Students wishing to use the room for prayer should obtain the key from the photocopy office, use the prayer room, and then return the key. We will ask all students to sign in so we can then gauge the room’s use for future planning.