Message from the Head of School – May 10, 2019

Tomorrow Hindus celebrate Saraswati Day. Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge and Hindu’s thank her for providing them with the opportunity to be educated, gain knowledge and continue on their learning path. Many of our Hindu BIS community members will visit school and pray in classrooms and on campus tomorrow. We can all be thankful for the continuous blessing of being able to learn and grow. Enjoy your Saturday!

The BIS Board and I will present the Yayasan Governance Structure to our community on May 23 at 8:00 a.m. in the library.

The tuition for PreSchool 3 and PreSchool 4 classes as well as Kindergarten will be reduced by 50% for next school. Please share this exciting news with your network as we look forward to having full classes in our Early Years Program.

Calendar Change
Chinese New Year has been announced to be on February 25, 2020. In order to maintain our 184 teaching days, the Board has approved the following calendar change:

  • May 22 is now a school day
  • February 25 is now a red day – Chinese New Year!

Please note our new calendar here. Also I would like to thank our IT Team for publishing our Events Calendar on our website. This version is our google calendar and will reflect our most current and accurate thinking.

Key Performance Indicators
The School Development Topic Group has developed a survey which will help us to understand our key indicators for BIS moving forward (emailed to you today). Thank you for filling out the survey! Thank you to our TG volunteers for helping us develop this instrument:

  • Allison Jacquier
  • Briged Bardetta
  • Steven Joustra
  • Regine Winkler
  • Su Eun Kim

On June 7 at 8:00 a.m. I will host the final Head of School Coffee in the library. My presentation will focus on our work this year, the completion of goals and a celebration of accomplishments, and a look towards our strategic plan for next school year. I hope you are able to attend.

Over 25 students attended the World Scholars Cup at AIS over the past two days. They have had a wonderful experience. Good luck to our students competing in the Battle of the Bands tonight at Green School. I’ll post some video on our Facebook page later tonight.

Enjoy your weekend!
