Counselor’s Corner – May 24, 2019

Mindfulness at BIS: (for Primary and Secondary Parents)

This year has seen a new form of learning at BIS across the grade levels.  Students from Pre- K through Grade 12 have been taught mindfulness techniques to help them focus, pay closer attention to the world around and within themselves, choose thoughtful responses to challenging situations rather than knee-jerk reactions, bounce back more readily from strong emotions like anger and anxiety, and reduce stress and self-regulate.  A typical lesson at any grade level begins with the ding of a bell and students getting calm and quiet in their bodies while focusing on their breath- breathing in, breathing out. Students then learn a variety of ways to pay attention. We can pay attention to anything really; we just need to get quiet and still and stay focused to do so.  Students learn to pay attention acutely to sound, to body sensations, to emotions, to their daily environment, to thoughts, to motion, to eating, to generosity, and to heartfulness- sending kind thoughts to others which in turn makes us feel good. Students in the primary years have kept a mindfulness journal,  noting their experiences of each mindfulness activity they learn. They will carry these journals through to next year as they continue to learn new techniques and we continue to build a mindful school. For more information on this program and content please go to:

Peer Mediation Training

This year the members of STUCO will add a new skill to their already diverse repertoire. We appreciate all the effort they put in throughout the year to make BIS a great place to work and study everyday and now they are going to be helping others even more.  On June 10th and 11th these students will undergo intensive training in peer mediation- a process through which a third party helps two people in conflict resolve their problem peacefully. STUCO members will learn that conflict is a normal part of our lives and that it’s how we deal with conflict that makes a difference.  They will study the underlying causes for conflict and the way people generally deal with conflict and they will learn a six-step process to help others in conflict find win-win solutions. STUCO members will become officially trained peer mediators and “peacemakers” on our campus, ready to assist others when the need arises. Mediators always work in pairs and mediations are always voluntary and confidential. We aim to have this program up and running at the start of next year, with referral forms in the principals’ and counselor’s offices, and to educate all BIS students on creating a peaceful campus by working out their conflicts through dialogue in the form of mediation.

Opportunities for BIS Students (for Primary & Secondary Parents)

Dear Parents, Please continue to check the Opportunities for Students to view the college visits calendar and learn about upcoming college fairs, summer programs, camps, and scholarships for BIS students of all ages. This document is updated daily as new opportunities come in.

Looking for work experience?  Check out these options posted on UCAS to find paid and unpaid internship placements: