Message from the Head of School – January 31, 2020

January 31, 2020 

The Academic Calendar for SY20-21 is now on the BIS website. It is very similar to this year’s calendar with 184 school days and 7 ½ days for professional development. 

Thank you to each of the families who reported being in or traveling through mainland China in the past 14 days. We are grateful for your honesty and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain as healthy a community as we can. Thank you as well to those of you who have reported your recent/upcoming international travel. We have a wonderful community full of caring and helpful individuals. I know you join me in wishing all those affected by 2019-nCoV virus, health care providers, health and government officials, and researchers all the best as they work to contain the virus, assist those in need, and develop a vaccine.  

A reminder about student illness:

Students are required to be 24 hours without fever, vomiting or diarrhea (and off of antipyretics) before returning to school. 

While antibiotics are extremely helpful, the 24 hour fever free rule really needs to be a common understanding and practice for the health of our community.

On Saturday, BIS hosts our 10th annual Bali Maths Competition. Good luck to all of our competitors and special thanks to the organizers of this completely student led event – well done!

Our accreditation efforts for CIS, WASC and IBO ramp up over the next several months. Volunteer parents and students have provided valuable input into the reflection process and there is lots more to do before our self-study is complete. Thank you to everyone involved.

Enjoy the weekend, 
