Message from the Head of School – April 1, 2021

Thank you for joining grade level parent meetings over the past few days. I appreciate the support and the good will. 

The International School Assessment (ISA) testing at Bali Island School will be held during the last week in April and the first week of May. We made the decision to push off testing from February with the hope that we could do the testing in a format conducive to students (particularly helpful for the Primary students). The results will be shared in late June/early July to parents. In August, I will be in a position to share our school results. In last week’s communication I shared some of the strategies we have in place to fortify the educational program for SY21-22 – we will use the ISA data to help us support this planning as required.

The Secondary Student Council was supposed to hold an Assembly this morning. I prepared throughout the evening to provide an inspirational talk and then they cancelled the assembly with no notice. I will be calling each of the StuCo members in for a serious conversation first thing on Monday morning.

Enjoy the long weekend, 
