Secondary Newsletter 28 – April 1, 2021

CAS Corner by Lachlan Turner
Applause for a Cause 2021
University Counseling

CAS Corner by Lachlan Turner
Surf Lessons

There were a lot of challenges faced today especially with the size of the waves and the boy’s abilities to paddle themselves into the waves. Both Colin and Ronin were successful in that they stood up and rode across the face of the waves, however, their ability to paddle themselves into the waves was a bit more difficult for them as they are still learning the art of surfing and how it works, with the waves around them, where to sit, and when to paddle into the wave at the perfect time to avoid the waves crashing on their back or them missing the waves. The waves were a little bit smaller than we hoped and were breaking a bit too fast, this concluded in the boys having a difficult time standing up quick enough or initially getting into the wave. For next time I believe it would be much better if I had them sit further on the shoulder of the wave which makes it much easier for the boys to get into the wave without falling or pearling (where the rails of the board dig in causing the board to pearl)

Identifying my own strengths and developing areas for growth: 

I definitely have an area to improve on when it comes to teaching/guiding the boys when they surf for example today I had them try paddle themselves in, and I noticed that it isn’t as easy as I remembered It to be because nobody just goes from one day with assistance to being able to paddle themselves into a wave. For next time I think I will just ease them into the process of paddling themselves in so basically I will give them smaller pushes into the wave, making them paddle at the same time as I push them, this will then help them get a feel for how to paddle into the waves at the right time. My strengths today were identifying where I could improve on for next time. 

I hope that we can do this again next week because I see the boys improving every week that I surf with them.

(Boys on back-to-back waves!!!)


Applause for a Cause 2021

Hi Everyone!

Hope you’re all doing well, as you might have heard, an Applause for a Cause will be happening this term! This year, for a Services as Action activity, I have created an Applause for a Cause 2.0. This year for Applause for a Cause will not only include music performances and raffle prizes, but also a mini art auction. All funds raised will go towards Bali Life Foundation, focusing on providing arts equipment such as musical instruments, art supplies, and so forth to develop their creativity. 

This is a great opportunity to display your skills and talent, bringing our school together to share an evening to remember, while also raising funds for children living in poverty.

If you are interested in performing please sign up here, and if you want to put your art up for auction, please fill out the form here
Applause for a Cause will be held on May 21st, 2021, so mark your calendars and get ready for a memorable night. Thank you so much for supporting my activity and giving back to the community. If there is any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me Shun (Selina) Ko 

 Thank you and hope to see you sign up!

Selina (G10)


University Counseling
Upcoming International SAT Test Date & Deadline

How to Register for the SAT


Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern virtual fair for students in Indonesian students interested in hotel industry-related fields (April 8) 

PDVL Virtual Edu Fair 2021  (April 10 & 11)


Summer Programs

Summer Internship Programs for age 12-14
Summer Internship Program for age 15-18
Pre-college Summer Programs at Washington University in St. Louis
Pre-college Summer Programs at Drexel University
Pre-college Summer Program at Parsons Paris Fashion & Luxury 
Pre-college Summer Program at Paris College of Art
Pre-college Summer Program at Pace University
Pre-college Summer Program at Pratt Institute
Summer Discovery Programs
Glion Summer Program Competition 2021 (Deadline April 23)
Summer Program at Imperial College London
Stanford SEWSS Scholars Program at Stanford University
High School AI Summer Program by Stanford & MIT grads (Deadline April 30)
Middle School AI Summer Program by Stanford & MIT grads  (Deadline April 30)
Summer School in Barcelona by EU Business School (EU)
USC School of Cinematic Arts Summer Program  (Deadline June 18)


List of Scholarships for International Students
Scholarship opportunity at Jacobs University (April 16)
For Women with a STEM Degree Looking for a Scholarship to Study for a Master’s in STEM
Scholarships for International Students by Everett Community College
International scholarships for undergraduate students at University of Kent

Virtual Events

a live session on studying environmental programs in the United States (April 5&7)
Emirates Aviation University Virtual Open Day (April 6)
Experience American Collegiate’s Live Innovative Technology (April 7)
Virtual Tour and Workshop at HAN University of Applied Sciences (April 9)
Open Day to learn all about the Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme at ESCP Business School (April 10)
Selecting the Right Major(s) for Your Bachelor’s Degree | Arts & Social Sciences X Business (April 10)
Selecting the Right Major(s) for Your Bachelor’s Degree | Architecture X Engineering & IT X Science (April10)
Global Adventure Week by Iowa State University (April 12-16)

University Application 

Carl Benz School Application Portal is Now Open  (April 30)
Webster University is accepting applications for Fall 2021 (Deadline June 15)
NUCB Calling all applicants for September 2021 
Applying to Seton Hall University 


Bridge U showcases by career topic – open to students and parents
BridgeU 15 questions to ask when choosing a university
Guide for International University Admissions
BridgeU Supporting your child through the application process
BridgeU tips for parents of 2021
BridgeU tips for parents of 2022