Message from the Head of School – August 27, 2021
Level 3 = Face to Face Learning at 50%
Once the PPKM Level changes to Level 3 and with the Dinas’ permission to open for face to face learning, students will be welcomed onto the BIS campus in the following manner:
When we learn of the Official change in PPKM Levels we will email and have Parent Representatives Whatsapp you – in order for us to take advantage of every face-to-face learning opportunity. Each week I will produce a two-week schedule (like below) and share in the eNews so you are fully aware of your child’s schedule once we have permission to open. If PPKM Level 3 begins on Sept 1, Sept 3, Sept 9 – whenever it starts – we are ready!
Primary students will be asked to enter and exit campus using the South Gate. Secondary students will be asked to enter and exit via the North Gate.
South Parking Lot Closes September 10
Please note the South Parking lot will close as a BIS facility on September 10, 2021. All parents who need parking facilities will be directed to use the North Parking lot. Thank you for your attention to this important announcement.
BIS Uniform
Please have your student wear the school uniform each day to school. We will provide a two-week grace period for uniforms to be purchased if you need new uniforms. Thank you.
Protocols for Accessing Campus
Parents/Guardians have a big part to play in ensuring our community, and your child(ren), remain safe while on campus at BIS. Parents are responsible for supporting BIS by following our Covid Protocols and our Safety and Security Guidelines:
- Check your child’s health every morning – check their temperature. Above 37.5 keep at home. Complete Health Screening Card daily: Health Screening Card.
- Do not send a sick child to school.
- If your child requires fever, headache, cold, or flu medication, do not send them to school.
- Ensure your child has their own snack and lunch with their name labeled.
- Each child must have a personalized water bottle.
- Ensure your child brings at least 2 approved masks with them to school.
- Present your bag and ID for inspection at Jl Danau Buyan IV Barriers so guards can maintain distancing.
- Follow BIS procedures for Drop-Off and Pick-Up.
- Respect the scheduled drop-off and pick-up timings.
- Parent/Guardian access to the school campus is by appointment scheduled through
- Meetings with teachers or administration will be conducted online by appointment
Most importantly, please keep your child home if he/she or anyone else in the home is feeling unwell.
Child Protection
Please find the recording of Tuesday’s Child Protection Presentation here.
Passcode: 4eH%L56M
BIS Community Commitments
Fifteen (15) families completed the form. Thank you for taking the time to sit down with your BIS student this weekend and review each of our expectations if you are not one of the fabulous 15. By clicking on the – I agree – checkbox, you and your child are committing to our community expectations. The expectations range from abiding by our Covid protocols to our use of technology, from behavior expectations to academic integrity. Thank you for spending this time to understand the BIS expectations thoroughly with your child – important work. Please find the form here.