Primary eNews – April 16, 2021

Grade 5 PYPX 2021

In Grade 5, students are coming to the end of their Exhibition process: an extended collaborative inquiry providing “an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP.”  (IB 2007)

Students have used the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to support their inquiry. They have chosen key areas including:

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Gender Equality
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water 
  • Life on Land

Grade 5 students have been inquiring into the How The World Works transdisciplinary theme with the Central Idea of  ‘Innovation is a response to Challenges’. They have used this big idea to guide their research, questions, and taking action. 

The Grade 5 class will share their PYP Exhibition with their parents next Thursday, April 22nd at 1:30 pm. After this, we will share our website with our wider school community to celebrate our learning. 


As parents, we must work to understand the difference between providing our children with praise and encouragement. Slowly read the following examples of praise as if you are a child. How do you feel, and what do you think about yourself? 

Now do the same with the encouraging words. Notice the difference.

Encouragement teaches children and teens that they are capable and significant. Although they like receiving praise, it does not have the same impact.  They develop insecurities and a sense that they cannot live up to our expectations if we overuse praise. In the Positive Discipline Workbook by Jane Nelson, she shows why making the shift to encouragement helps children and teens. Take time to read the table in its entirety and work to make the shift to encouraging instead of praising. Now do the same with the encouraging words. Notice the difference.