Notes from the Head of School

Dear BIS Community,

I am very pleased to say that the pool is open once more and being used for PE lessons. I would also like to thank the PTFA for the pool opening sausage sizzle on Wednesday.

Ms. Holley organized a very successful University Fair on Wednesday afternoon that was well attended by our students and also students from surrounding schools. It was good to see many of our parents in attendance as well, taking advantage of the opportunity to speak to the representatives.

This week our accounts department has been sending out reminder notices for parents who chose to pay the tuition fees in 3 installments. Please note that this reminder has the original invoice in the attachment with an updated amount due. If you have any questions please do stop in the office and we will help you.

As you know from my email earlier in the week, I am currently leading a search for a new Secondary Principal (starting July 2016). When the application deadline passed for the position, we had received over 40 applications with 30 being viable. A search committee was formed and we have conducted Skype interviews with 7 long-listed candidates. At this point, we are checking references and choosing our 2-3 short list candidates. It is my intention to invite the short listed candidates for interview at the school. I would like to have the secondary parents as part of this process. Therefore, if you are a secondary parent and you would like to volunteer your time to help with the search process, please email me to express your interest in the process.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Denise Walsh
Head of School