From the Secondary Principal

Although it has already been said, I would like to extend my congratulations to the football teams and their coaches for a very successful tournament, where they played well and demonstrated great teamwork and resilience. In particular the girls’ team had a well-deserved victory; they have trained hard and shown everyone that they are capable and determined. All our students represented themselves and BIS admirably.

We recently hosted two successful university fairs, which gave our students, and our guest students from other schools, ideas of what their futures could be, and what they need to do to get there. Thanks to Ms Holley for organizing these new opportunities at school.

On a related subject, the PSAT exams were held this week for grades 10 and 11 students who may wish to attend university in the USA. These tests are a preparation for the SAT tests, which many US universities require.

Today in secondary we have been lucky to have E’eda, a performance poet who is currently part of the Ubud Readers and Writers Festival, lead workshops for some of our students, and perform a ‘BIS Live’ event at morning break. Some of the advantages of being in Bali are the opportunities for creative inspiration; many of our students are writers, musicians, artists and other performers.

I wish you a pleasant weekend,

Helen Stanton