Primary – Grade 4 Community Project

The last few days, the children of grade 4 have been busy studying the lines of inquiry of their unit. They visited a traditional Balinese compound, did a few experiments with building materials to test their properties and went on a field trip to The Power of Now Oasis to look at the innovative architecture of the building there.

They were impressed by the ingenuity of the design and with the way the materials used did not leave such a large footprint on the environment. All this will lead to the big challenge! The children will use the knowledge gained to design and build a fence and entrance for the community garden coming up behind the big field in the plot that is at a little distance from the school.

They will all think about what considerations have to be taken into account, what materials would be best, what design and what measurements would be right etc. Each child will contribute a design and then Mr. Lorenzini will choose the designs that he thinks would be the most suitable. The children will then work together to make the wall and entrance as their community project for the school.



The children doing experiments to test the properties of building materials such as – strength, waterproofing and insulation.