IMPORTANT SECURITY MESSAGE
From P15 of the ‘2016-2017 BIS Parent Student Handbook’:
For a number of years there has been a scam running where parents from different schools on Bali are contacted and told their child has been in an accident and they need to immediately transfer money for an emergency operation to a bank account. Similarly, hackers may use your personal email account to say you are in trouble and ask your contact list to send money to a bank account.
Please be aware these are scams.
If your child were ever involved in an accident requiring hospitalisation you will contacted directly by the Head of School or, in her absence, the division principal. You will never be asked to transfer money. If money is required for an emergency operation the school will guarantee this.
If you do receive such a call, call the school immediately. We will be able to confirm that your child is safe. Any information you can gather from the caller (phone number, bank account number, male/female, nationality, age, name etc) we will pass on to the police.