Primary – Top Teacher Tips for Parents

Raising multilinguals?

Raising multilinguals can often feel like a difficult journey. Sometimes we feel that our child may not be getting enough ‘exposure’ to both languages.  What is useful is to have a family language plan. It takes a conscious effort to sit down with your partner/family and decide upon the language goals you have for each language. One important question to consider depends on whether you want your child to learn to read and write in both languages. Below are some useful articles from which take you step-by-step through the whole process.

Raising Multilingual Children – Family language goals, plan and consistency

Once you have a plan the next thing you will need is a language strategy – Decision tree

Language Strategies – Choosing a Language Strategy

To enhance language skills, visuals around the home can also be useful, as well as playing with your child.  Perhaps your child is in the Early Years and you may spotlight enhancing their language skills through play: Enhancing Language Skills Through Play, Playing Kitchen, Thespeechstop.  Primary School aged children learning their multiplication tables may benefit from this visual: Multiplication Square Poster, or your child may be in the Secondary School needing a fun way to learn the periodic table: Visual Periodic Table.   Strategically placing visuals in your child’s bedroom & around the home can help your child maximise every opportunity.  And without fail, something that is good for all ages: Why Listening to Podcasts Helps Kids Improve Reading Skills.

 Good luck with your child’s language journey…




Caroline Delhommeau

EAL teacher (& parent dedicated to raising multilinguals!)