Primary – How We Make Rules

Establishing Expectations: At the beginning of the school year the whole primary team met to discuss our expectations of student behaviour. We re-looked at the BIS Parent Student Handbook and identified respect as being a key factor to fostering positive behaviour.


BIS expects every student:

  • To come to school prepared to work, and complete classroom assignments to the best of his/her 
  • To be attentive in class, and responsive to the directives of adults.
  • To demonstrate respect for teachers, other members of staff, fellow students and themselves
  • To act with integrity and honesty, and take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences 
that accompany them.
  • To refrain from physical violence (hitting, punching, kicking, biting) and using bad language.
  • To respect school property and property belonging to others. School property or personal items 
should not be borrowed without permission, nor should they be hidden.
  • To refrain from any form of bullying and harassing behavior (Intentional, repeated, hurtful acts, words 
or other behavior, such as name-calling, threatening, shunning and deliberate exclusion committed by one or more persons against others. Bullying may be physical, verbal, or emotional), and students should report incidents of bullying or harassment to an adult.
  • To move about the school in a quiet, orderly and respectful manner.

(BIS Parent Student Handbook page 28)

Essential Agreements: Each primary class is now making ‘Essential Agreements’, otherwise known as class rules, where we try and develop an understanding of what is required of all classroom members to ensure we have a happy, safe, respectful and ‘ready to learn’ culture.

Preschool’s Essential Agreements



To ensure this agreement is accessible to Preschool children we have developed some key words:



Deborah Plant

August 2017