Grade 9 and 10 Parents – Information about the PSAT

Dear Grade 9 and 10 parents,

Next year’s Grade 10 and 11 students have the opportunity to take the PSAT test on Wednesday October 24th.

The PSAT is a practice exam for the SATs. The SAT exams are college entrance exams used mostly for American universities and colleges, but sometimes they are also useful for Asian universities (Japan, Korea) or for other reasons.

The test is voluntary and students have to pay a fee of 350.000 IDR to the business office by May 31st if they want to take the test. Please have your child register using this link.

For more information please explore these links:
– an official PowerPoint presentation about the PSAT from CollegeBoard.
– information about standardized college entrance exams in the BIS University Handbook.
– a slideshow with a quick overview of the PSAT and SAT at BIS.
– a registration link if you want to take the PSAT.

For any questions please contact