Message from the Head of School – November 16, 2018

I would like to thank the parents who run and support our extremely active and supportive PTA. I am so impressed by our community’s commitment to the educational program at BIS and with our PTA who is always looking for ways to support our programs. Please make sure to thank Samantha, Preeti, Ayu and Lena, and Jane for their leadership.

In Wednesday’s PTA meeting, I presented the results of our latest CIS survey and language survey. Thank you to those who were in attendance and to those of you who completed the surveys. I also mentioned that I will host a bi-monthly Parent Coffee morning to address specific issues which we feel will be of interest to the community. The first Parent Coffee will be held on December 12 at 8:00 a.m. The presentation will be on the Financial Health of our school. I do look forward to sharing with you about recent progress with the land as well as sharing how your tuition fees are spent each year.

Our marketing efforts are gaining traction. A photographer and videographer were on campus today and will be again tomorrow. We are excited to add to our portfolio of images which highlight our community. Marketing coordinator, Elfira and Board member, Sue spent the day today in Jakarta at an education fair presenting our school to interested families.

The pool work continues. They have made good progress this week.

Finally, I would like to thank all of our MYP grade 6-9 students for showcasing your learning and growth yesterday afternoon. I was really impressed by your creativity and risk-taking. Thank you! Our Arts teachers have done a brilliant job in pushing our students out of their comfort zones, developing new skills and in turn confidence. Art is a window to the soul. Yesterday was indeed a special day at Bali Island School.

Have a wonderful four day weekend and holiday!
