PTA BBQ/ Bake Sale and Health Screening for BIS Female Staff

PTA BSSA Volleyball BBQ
Thank you to all the parents who helped set up and run the BBQ and to all those who preordered/purchased lunch on the day. It was a great success, and the PTA could not have done it without the hard work and enthusiasm of all the wonderful volunteers.

PTA Bake Sale
Thank you to the Pre-school and Kindy parents who kindly donated delicious goods for the Bake Sale. Your contributions are much appreciated.

Health Screening for BIS Female Local Staff
The information session was held on Tuesday 4 December by Yayasan Rama Sesana and was well attended and a great success. This session informed the ladies of the health services available to them as well as an interesting and interactive presentation! And post this the ladies will be encouraged to have their Pap smear test, Ultrasound and IVA test done at their Denpasar clinic which is all included in the package the PTA has provided to each local BIS female staff member.

This initiative was implemented 7 years back and this year your PTA has successfully repeated it. We value the health of all our BIS support team who look after our children on a daily basis. The feedback received from them has been full of gratitude and appreciation that the BIS parents are so caring.