Message from the Head of School – December 14, 2018

I would like to thank those parents who attended the “HoS Coffee Morning” on Wednesday. I have spoken with the Board regarding this meeting and the Board will be addressing many of the points I was unable to respond to. In addition, the Audit report is in my office. If you would like to view it you may do so by signing in. I thank you for not taking photos of the document as it contains sensitive information that is only for members of our community to view.

Jennifer Wathall is a math consultant and she has just co-authored the new IB Diploma curriculum. I am very pleased to announce that she has agreed to help our school improve our Math program in all aspects. Her webpage can be found at this link. I would like to thank Mr. Ross Ferris and Mr. Craig Eldred for their work in developing this relationship and in the coordination of schedules. Jennifer will spend three days with us next December (2019), and again in April (2020). Our math team will remain busy providing extra support to students three days a week, aligning our curriculum, improving units of study and teaching our students each day. Thank you to these dedicated teachers, our Primary faculty members, Ms. Wood, Mr. Collins and Mr. Gokalp for all of their efforts for continued Math improvement.

I’d like to end the first semester of SY18-19 with a reflection. From my first day of admin meetings back in July, to the Board Retreat in August, to Opening day and on each day since, I have deeply appreciated our Bali Island School community. We are not without areas to further develop and improve upon, nor are we too confident to recognize these areas and address them. Having said that, my hat is off to Ms. Denise Walsh, the admin and faculty who came before us and the continuous work of the Board, as the Bali Island School is in really good shape. The school produces quality results both in external ISA testing and in the IB Diploma. Students play with other students at recess and lunch and feel welcome, safe and comfortable speaking with the “bigger” students. Parents engage daily with our school to help create diverse learning opportunities, to celebrate learning and support our faculty. Our community serves our greater Sanur, Bali and Indonesian communities, looking outwards to help those in need. Learning is at the center of what we do each and every day. This school is a little jewel of a school. I am proud to walk through the BIS gates each morning and can’t wait for 2019!

All of us at the Bali Island School wish you and your family a lovely holiday. Enjoy the time with family and friends and come back refreshed and rejuvenated to keep up the good learning.