Secondary Newsletter No. 34 – May 10, 2019

World Scholar’s Cup

On Thursday and Friday this week, 30 BIS students traveled to AIS in Bali to compete in the World Scholar’s Cup 2019: A World in the Margins. This year’s subjects included topics from History, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, and Literature like neglected histories, unsolved mysteries, enabling technologies, and voices from the margins. All students participated admirably in team debates, the scholar’s bowl, the scholar’s challenge, and collaborative writing. Students did a fantastic job, and we hope to continue to the Global Round in Manila next September!  Huge thanks to Ms. McLay, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Erickson, and Mrs. Erickson for all your help.

-Mrs. Mac


Personal Project updates

The grade 9’s in preparation for their projects, have been going through an approval process from a panel of 3 judges. This is almost complete and so far the topics are very exciting. On Monday students will be given access to ask staff members to be their supervisor. This is where they will no doubt rush out en masse to secure a staff member who they believe will best suit their needs as a supervisor. Once secured they should initiate their first meeting and students should then be focussing on writing their action plan.  

See here to access the Student Personal Project guide.

Grade 8 IDU (Interdisciplinary unit) Science and Individuals & Societies

The grade 8 students have been working on an interdisciplinary unit combining their knowledge using both Science and I&S to answer their assessment on Diseases Prevalent in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC’s). Interdisciplinary learning supports students to understand bodies of knowledge from two or more disciplines or subject groups, in order to integrate them and create new understanding (IBO). In Science the students studied diseases in depth; pathogens, symptoms, how it affects the body etc, whereas in I&S students focussed on why these diseases were prevalent in developing countries and the socio-economic effects. Students chose a disease and a country of their choice to use as case studies.  This task was a massive undertaking by our students and both myself and Ms Quinn were most impressed with the quality of work our students produced. Please see the links for a few examples of student work:

Bilharzia disease



Grade 12 DP Exams

The Grade 12s have made a solid start to their exam session by arriving on time, appearing relaxed and confident both before and after the exams. The exam session so far has seen students complete their exams in Business Management, Dutch Self Taught, History and Biology. There are two more weeks of exams ahead and it is great to see many of the students revising hard in school and approaching teachers for help. Keep fighting 12s!

CAS Corner

Vanguard, Winona Othman

This semester was mainly focused on the first topic we will be discussing in the Vanguard magazine which was change. Change is important in life as it helps to expand our way of thinking, and also guide us through making decisions, whether it’s good or bad. I feel that the topic that we chose is of importance to many people and specifically important to young teens not just around our school but around Bali as well. It is important to keep young teens up to date with the events happening around the world that have changed and have had such an impact to many people. Our topic of change focuses a lot on the media, which is the main source of news to teens.

The writers who have written articles to do with change politically, or on social media, have recently finished writing up their first draft. Since my task as editor is to fix their articles, this benefits us as a group working collaboratively in order to create the perfect articles for the upcoming edition of the Vanguard magazine for this year.

We worked collaboratively by sharing ideas and for me specifically being an editor, I have helped some of my friends with improving some of their vocabulary (due to the fact that their first language is not English) since they have such bright ideas and writing potential.

Although I myself sometimes have trouble with vocabulary, the idea of helping to edit articles have somewhat helped me improve and also given me inspiration to possibly create my own article next semester.

Counselor’s Corner

Smooth Transitions: (for primary and secondary parents)

Is your family moving? Though we are sad to see you go we definitely want your transition to be a smooth one. To help with this, I am meeting with all students departing BIS at the end of this year and giving each of them a RAFT guide.  The RAFT concept can be used by the whole family and helps us transition to our new home without feelings of regret or unfinished business. The R stands for Reconciliation; is there anyone in your life here you need to apologize to or have a heart to heart with?  This is the time for reconciliation. The A stands for Affirmations; are there people here you’d like to thank for helping and supporting you? Now is the time to show them your appreciation. The F stands for Farewell; Are there people, places, pets, or possessions you’ll be saying goodbye to?  Now is the time to visit those special people and places one more time and relinquish pets and possessions to new owners with whom you know they’ll be in good hands. The T stands for Think Destination; What are you excited about and looking forward to in your new home? Now is the time to Talk about your new school, your new home, and the new opportunities that will be available to you there. We wish all departing families a smooth transition to your new homes and will continue to hold you in our hearts here at BIS, where you have each left a positive imprint.

Below are some  good resources about moving and transitioning:

Curious George Goes to School by Margret Rey

The Berenstain Bears Go To School by Jan and Stan Berenstain

Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss

Benny & Omar by Eoin Colfer

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

Moving day by Ralph Fletcher

Hey, New Kid! By Betsy Duffey

Footsteps Around the World, 2nd Ed. : Relocation Tips for Teens by Beverly D. Roman

The League of Super Movers: My Moving Adventure by Beverly D. Roman

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds by David Pollock & Ruth E. Van Reken

Child Safeguarding at BIS: (for primary and secondary parents)

In our ongoing efforts to protect the children in our care, we have posted Child Protection Posters (see below) in all classrooms and offices around campus. The posters outline what to report– any concerns around child abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) by adults or peers, who to report to– the Child Protection Team, comprised of the school counselor, head of school, division principals, and our Child Protection Officer (CPO), Mr. Hamish Sutherland.  The posters outline as well, that all concerns will be taken seriously and will be followed up on confidentially. Homeroom Teachers in the secondary have shared the information on the poster with their students and the School Counselor, Rachael Gerbic, has facilitated discussions on child protection through the MYP health classes, in addition to visiting all primary classrooms to explain the new posters. The primary students also do a follow up activity, identifying where they feel safe or unsafe on campus by coloring the school map, green, yellow, or red. This student feedback will be used to determine areas in need of more supervision or monitoring. Please help keep BIS safe by wearing your ID lanyard on campus, replacing lost or torn student bag tags,  and by reporting any concerns to our Child Protection Team.


Check out the College Counseling Center (CCC): (for Primary & Secondary Parents)    

Our CCC is home to all the college binders that were once housed in the back of the library.  Check this spot for summer programs, scholarships, testing information, and college resources. All Students and Parents are welcome in the CCC, which is open every day from 7:30-4PM. Enter through the Green door next to the Staff Room.

Opportunities for BIS Students (for Primary & Secondary Parents)                                  

Dear Parents, Please continue to check the Opportunities for Students to view the college visits calendar and learn about upcoming college fairs, summer programs, camps, and scholarships for BIS students of all ages. This document is updated daily as new opportunities come in.

Career Interest Inventory (For Secondary Parents)

If you would like an in-depth assessment of your son’s or daughter’s aptitudes and career interests, please review this information about Interquest and complete and return the registration form to the Counseling Center.