Counselor’s Corner – August 9, 2019

Mindfulness at BIS: This article was posted at the end of last school year and has been updated and re-posted.  

Last year saw a new form of learning at BIS across grade levels.  Students from Pre- K through Grade 12 were taught mindfulness techniques to help them focus, pay closer attention to the world around and within themselves, choose thoughtful responses to challenging situations rather than knee-jerk reactions, bounce back more readily from strong emotions like anger and anxiety, and reduce stress and self-regulate.  These lessons will continue this year. A typical lesson at any grade level begins with the ding of a bell and students getting calm and quiet in their bodies while focusing on their breath- breathing in, breathing out. Students then learn a variety of ways to pay attention. We can pay attention to anything really; we just need to get quiet and still and stay focused to do so.  Students learn to pay attention acutely to sound, to body sensations, to emotions, to their daily environment, to thoughts, to motion, to eating, to generosity, and to heartfulness- the act of sending kind thoughts to others which in turn makes us feel good. Students in the primary years keep a mindfulness journal,  noting their experiences of each mindfulness activity they learn. Returning students will retrieve their journals from last year in their current grade level and new students will receive their own copy as well. We look forward to exploring new mindfulness techniques as staff and students this year, as we continue to build a more mindful school. For more information on this program and content please go to: and/or contact Rachael Gerbic at:

Students enjoying a moment of quiet contemplation on the new Mindfulness Bench in front of the Counseling Center.

Peer Mediation Program Up and Running                                                                                                  

We are pleased to announce a new program at BIS this year-Peer Mediation.  Our STUCO members underwent a comprehensive two-day training at the end of last year and are officially trained Peer Mediators and Peacemakers, ready to assist others when the need arises. Peer mediation is a process through which a neutral third party helps two people in conflict resolve their problem peacefully.  The STUCO members learned that conflict is a normal part of our lives and that it’s how we deal with conflict that makes a difference. They studied the underlying causes for conflict and people’s general approaches to dealing with conflict. Most importantly, they learned a specific six-step process to help others in conflict find win-win solutions. Peer Mediators always work in pairs and mediations are always voluntary and confidential. We are excited to launch this program with this new school year. Referral forms can be found in the Counselor’s office and students may request a mediation by speaking directly to the Counselor, the Principals, or a Teacher. Our STUCO members will continue to educate all BIS students on maintaining a peaceful campus by working out their conflicts through dialogue in the form of mediation. Our aim is to provide a positive means for resolving conflict so that students can stay focused on learning and not be distracted by the myriad of emotions that come with unresolved conflict.

Newly trained Peer Mediators ready to assist!