Message from the Head of School – November 1, 2019

November 1, 2019

Spooky Day was a great success at BIS! Thank you to everyone who participated. This afternoon’s PTA movie and Halloween party have helped to make this day extra special. Thank you PTA volunteers!

Kib Roby – Board Chair, Ratih Nurruhliati – Board member, and I are attending the annual EARCOS Regional Conference this week in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. As always the speakers and dialogue have been very informative. 

Kib and I attended John Littleford’s Board Governance pre-conference on Wednesday. John has been providing Board training for over 25 years, worked with BIS back in its infancy, and brings wisdom to the discussion about Board roles, HoS partnership, relationships between the Board Chair and HoS as well as other Board members. We both learned a great deal and were happy to have had the opportunity to gain further clarity about our roles and responsibilities. 

I look forward to being back at BIS bright and early Monday morning!
