Message From the Head of School – November 13, 2020

Parking Lots and Campus Access
Primary parents, please use the South Parking Lot if you are visiting the school. If you have multiple age children, please default to the Primary Parking Lot. Secondary parents, please use the North Parking Lot if you are visiting school. Having your child enter through the correct gate will help maintain our health and safety for student Support.


Be Careful
Two reports have been made over the past few days about a person on a motorbike grabbing a phone or a handbag from women near campus. Please be aware of your surroundings and vigilant.


Distance Learning Support
Thank you for all of your support as our faculty and staff look forward to expanding our support program over the next several weeks.

Our cohorts were made based on siblings being in the same cohort and attempting to evenly split classes. We are able to make some cohort adjustments to help your child learn more effectively. Please communicate with our counselor or myself and we will see what we can do.

Please read the email sent from your HR teacher (Primary) or from Ibu Riana (Secondary) very carefully. Your keen attention to each and every health and safety protocol is of the utmost importance.