PTA eNews Updates – November 20, 2020

Quote of the week:

Be kind to your mind!

Dried Flower Workshop
Thank you to the people who signed up for this workshop and a BIG thanks to Ibu Liza for having us. It was so much fun and the children loved doing it. If anyone is interested you can contact Ibu Liza directly to organise a workshop with her, she also offers other fun things there!

The Bali Florist
Jl. Danau Toba 12, Sanur
Reservation: +62 811 388 270
Instagram/Facebook: @thebaliflorist

We have done 2 successful events and raised the following small amounts, please note we are not doing this to raise big amounts of  money for PTA but instead we want to help out local businesses during these tough times. With the small amount of money we do raise we want to do a nasi bungkus hand out to a community in need.

Lots of photos will be taken of us sharing the love so please if you are interested in an event please do sign up. We are hoping to do another few events before the end of this year.

  • Halloween Cookies – IDR 310,000
  • Dried Flower Workshop – IDR 50,000

We ask to donate 10,000 per person joining to PTA.

Once again – if anyone is involved in any type of business here and wants some support please reach out to us, we will try our best! +6281805503125

Have a wonderful weekend.. 

Love the PTA team!