Message from the Head of School – August 20, 2021

Indonesian Independence Day Celebration
Now this was a true celebration of Indonesia and an International IB/SPK School. Everything from the student art work to the dance and musical performances added great value and cultural understandings. The reflective speeches about Indonesia’s strength and spirit also helped to make this assembly special. I hope you had time to view and appreciate the contributions from so many. Thank you to our Indonesian teachers and staff, as well as our students and parents for your contributions. Merdeka!


Health and Security, Child Protection at BIS
Ibu Noortje Janssen, our new counselor, and I will present our bi-annual information session regarding Health and Safety and Child Protection at Bali Island School. The session will be a Zoom to be held on Tuesday afternoon from 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there:

Health and Security, Child Protection Session



Meet the Teachers
Our annual “Meet the Teachers” event will be held on August 27 beginning at 3:00 p.m. This is your opportunity to hear from your child’s teachers, learn about the academic program and expectations in each of their classes including major assessments and learning outcomes. Your child’s homeroom teacher will share the schedule today (Primary) or it will be emailed to you on Monday afternoon (Secondary). On the schedule will be multiple links to Zoom sessions (Primary parents/guardians) of Google Meets (Secondary parents/guardians). Please be ready to join each session in a timely manner so that you don’t miss any important information. 

I look forward to welcoming our entire community via this zoom link at 3:00 p.m.


Health Committee
The Health Committee meets weekly on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. for 30 minutes to discuss current issues regarding Covid and BIS. I would encourage anyone in our community with medical expertise to consider joining.