Message from the Head of School – May 20, 2022
EOTC SY22-23
The BIS Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) program will be back up and running in SY22-23. Mr Lamas, our Student Life Coordinator, is already in touch with service providers for the August/September grade level camping trips (grades 4-12 participate). EOTC fees cover these trips as well as day field trips planned by teachers to help students understand the practical aspects of classroom learning in authentic situations..
Mr. Lamas is working with the BSSA Athletic Directors to ensure sporting competitions will once again bring action to our courts, field and pool next SY. Get yourself in shape and ready to compete this summer.
Senior Final Roll Call
Please remember that you are invited to join in the celebration of the Senior Class. Seniors will be called for the last time to a school assembly. We will celebrate each individual, hear a speech from two of our Seniors – the Seniors chosen to represent their class – and then sing the school song. 11:30 a..m. Wednesday, May 25. See you there!