Message from the Head of School – October 28, 2022

Reminder: We have a football field near the North car drop off area which we use regularly for football and other activities. May I ask that parents/drivers not park or turn their cars on the field as it is creating large furroughs which are difficult to deal with when it comes to maintenance and drainage. The problems have become more prevalent due to the recent rains. Thank you.


We regard ourselves very much as part of our local community in that we are a considerate and respectful neighbour to our fellow neighbours. To this end, we have received a request from residents in JALAN DANAU BERATAN GANG III that car users do not use this small and narrow lane. Motorbikes and bicycles are welcome, but, apparently cars are causing a potential hazard.


Blood drive: This will take place on Friday 04th in the covered court area. Please do consider contributing to this very worthwhile event.


We would like to inform you that based on the Circular Letter of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia Number: SR. 01.05/11/3461/2022, all Pharmacy temporary not selling over-the-counter and or the form of limited-free drugs in the form of liquid/syrup preparations to the public as long as further research is being carried out.

This is due to the increasing case of Acute Kidney Injury in children, especially the age of 5 years old.

In the examination carried out on the remaining samples of drugs consumed by the patient, traces of compounds that have the potential to cause  Acute Kidney Injury were found. Currently, the Ministry of Health and National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) are still continuing to explore and research comprehensively, including other possible risk factors.

The Ministry of Health urges the public to treat children, while not using medicine in liquid/syrup form without consulting health workers. Please consult your family doctor if your child is sick.


Please see last week’s e-news for information regarding STUCOs plans for Halloween celebrations next week. This week, we have had a very successful week of events in Primary and look forward to continuing this in Secondary.

Dates for the diary:

  • Thursday 17th November, half day for staff professional development.
  • School break, Friday 18th November, school closed for mid-term break.
  • Counsellor Workshop: Thursday 03rd November, Grade 1-4, “Media use in children”.