PTA eNews Updates – December 9, 2022
Quote of the week:
“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” – Maya Angelou
The past 8 days have been incredibly busy for the PTA, with the Staff Appreciation Lunch on Friday, Holiday Market on Tuesday and the stall at the BSSA Volleyball finals on Thursday.
Events like these are part of our school’s vibrant culture. They help strengthen the BIS Community spirit that we all value so much, but they cannot happen without a large team of volunteers.
Due to the pandemic the number of active PTA members has been depleted significantly, which makes running events like these particularly challenging and exhausting for the small number of PTA members that we currently have assisting at events.
The PTA desperately needs additional helpers for next Semester in order to support school events such as Book Week and BSSA, as well as our own Community events.
Even just 30 minutes helping out at a stall or barbecue makes a huge impact – many hands make light work.
If you are interested in helping the PTA keep our BIS Community culture alive please contact Lucy on +61424264086 to join the Helping Hands team or attend our next meeting on the 25th Jan at 8am in the Library.
All are welcome and there is no expectation that you will participate in every event – any help at all is greatly appreciated and needed.
Thank you 🙏
Lucy & Fanny (PTA Chairperson & PTA Secretary)
The Holiday Market on Tuesday was a fabulous afternoon with 31 retail stalls, four charities (Kupu Kupu, Ragam, Bali Life Foundation and Bye Bye Plastic Bags), student stalls, food stalls, ceramic painting, henna, face painting, amazing art auctions, slip n slide, water balloons, raffle prizes and even a bouncy castle!
Thank you so so much to all of those who participated in this event as customers, stallholders, coordinators, STUCO face painting artists, raffle donors and helpers – we greatly appreciate your support in making this event possible. The Holiday Market raised more than 10,000,000 for the PTA. This money will help fund the PTA contribution towards the gifts for this year’s graduating class, purchase donations for the charities we are supporting this year and upgrade some PTA equipment.
The BSSA senior volleyball finals took place yesterday with over 260 students descending on the Covered Courts and playing field. Well done to our amazing PE coordinator Javier Lamas for bringing this event to BIS and organising it so well.
📅 Next PTA Meeting: Wed 25/01. 8am in the Library.
PTA Meeting Minutes & Agendas Available Here
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact Lucy (PTA Chairperson) on WA +61424264086.