Primary – Third Grade Joke Friday

Side Splitting Language Lessons in Grade 3

One of the special things about being in Grade 3 at BIS is being part of Joke Fridays. Since the beginning of the year, our Friday mornings have started with giggles and sniggers. Joke Friday is a special part of our Language program, as it supports the development of confidence, rehearsing & presenting, not to mention exploring some of the more complex features of English grammar such as idioms, puns and homophones. Every week we publish the best jokes in our Grade 3 Blog. Here is a selection of our favourites so far…

  1. Where do surfers go to school? Boarding school!

  2. A man went into the library and said, “can I have some fish and chips?” The librarian replied, “this is a library!” The man whispered back, “can I have some fish and chips?”

  3. Doctor, Doctor, can you help me out? It’s the same way you came in!

  4. Why do spiders like the internet? Because of all the websites.

  5. What is a witch’s favourite subject at school? Spelling.

  6. How do you know that carrots are good for the eyes? You never see a rabbit wearing glasses, do you?

  7. Who invented King Arthur’s Round Table? Sir Cumference.

  8. Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9 (seven ate nine).

  9. What type of dog has no tail? A hotdog.

  10. What starts with an e, ends with an e and has one letter in it? An envelope.

  11. How does a moose start a letter to his cousin? Dear Deer…

  12. Why do fish avoid computers? Because they are afraid of being caught in the net.

  13. What do you call a dinosaur with poor vision? Doyouthinkhesawus?

  14. What is brown and sticky? A stick.

  15. Why did the kid study on the plane? He wanted a higher education!

  16. Where do library books like to sleep? Under the covers.

  17. What is tall when it’s young and short when it’s old? A candle!

  18. Why do gorillas have such big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.

  19. Why are math books so sad? Because they have so many problems.

  20. How do oceans say hello to other oceans? They wave.