Feedback from the Council of Internationals Schools (CIS) and Western Academy of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

Dear BIS Community,

As  you know, the school had a combined visit in November as part of our normal accreditation cycle.  We have no received our feedback report and I am delighted to say that it is very positive. The visitors agreed with our self-reflection and were very positive about the changes which have occurred in the school in the past few years.

Some of their commendations included:

 the strong sense of community between and across all sections of the BIS community;

 the strong home to school and school to home partnership;

 a cohesive Board that is clear in its role and that of the Head of School;

 a fundamental commitment to the IB Learner Profile and to the PYP, MYP and IB Diploma;

 the strong connections to the local community; and

 the collegial and co-operative organisational sense of trust;

Of course, we have areas in which we need to continue to grow and evolve as well.  Our visitors were particularly interested in the work now being done by the Board committee on School Development in relation to drafting a new Mission, Vision and Value statements for the school.  This work will continue through the spring and you will be asked to give input shortly in the form of a survey, so please participate and help us with this task.

I would like to share with you some of the visitor’s concluding statements:

“The Visitors noted the significant developments that have taken place at Bali Island School in the period since the last formal CIS/WASC Special Visit in February 2014. In this regard, the work in the area of policy and procedure development, governance and community building have been considerable and the school is now at a stage in its development where it can confidently say that the past is behind it.

….Clearly, Bali Island School is now in a much stronger position now than it has been at any stage over the course of the current accreditation cycle. The organisational climate is positive, the issues of the past have been addressed, the Board is clear in its role and that of the Head, there is a strong focus on teaching and learning and a strong sense of purpose.”

It is clear from this report that we have much to be proud of as a community and much to celebrate as a school.  Our next visit is scheduled for early 2019, when we will start to prepare for the next 5 year accreditation visit.

I would like to thank all everyone who was involved in this process and particularly, Deb Plant, our accreditation officer who led us so ably through this process.

Best regards,

Denise Walsh

Head of School