Secondary Parent Session on December 5th 2016


Dear Parents,

We will be having an information session on December 5th, at 8:00-09:00, in Room 1 Secondary, highlighting the use of ManageBac and what it will look like for both parents and students.  Attached is an example of what the information that parents and students would see when ManageBac is open.

One of the things that makes BIS such a special place is the collaborative spirit between the school and the community.  We recognize that we are only one component to the success of our students and that parental support is vital.  To help develop that support and better communicate about student progress throughout the year we will be opening ManageBac’s grade-book feature to all parents and students at the start of the second semester.  This will allow students and parents to see in real time where they are in relation to their learning in each class.

Teachers will be providing a numeric indicator of growth for each assessment as well as a brief description of the assignment.  This numeric indicator allows us to present the clearest picture of growth via ManageBac as possible.

Teachers will be updating their grade-books every two weeks and will be including both formative and summative work.  This will highlight students progress throughout the term.

Our discussion will highlight how this feature will work for students and parents. We will also be speaking about how to support our students growth through the use of this tool and what constructive conversations it can lead to.

I look forward to speaking with you and engaging in a meaningful discussion about the learning and growth of our students.

Kind Regards,

Justin Walsh

Secondary Principal