Secondary Newsletter on Friday, 2nd Dec 2016

Week 18-Finishing Strong

As we near the end of the term it is important for us to remember the importance of finishing strong.  Our students have put in a great deal of effort throughout this semester, these last days will ask them to demonstrate much of that learning.  Please help your student finish strong by encouraging them to check in with their teachers, recheck deadlines and be completely present within the learning in their classrooms.  Keep up your hard work!

End of Semester Reports

The semester reports will be delivered via email once again this year.  Reports will go home on Thursday the 14th of December.  These reports will highlight the progress of each student for the entire semester, indicating achievement on the different criteria of each course as well as the progress of each student’s Approaches Towards Learning (ATLs).

Reporting in the Second Semester

One of the things that makes BIS such a special place is the collaborative spirit between the school and the community.  We recognize that we are only one component to the success of our students and that parental support is vital.  To help develop that support and better communicate about student progress throughout the year we will be opening ManageBac’s gradebook feature to all parents and students at the start of the second semester.  This will allow students and parents to see in real time where they are in relation to their learning in each class.

Teachers will be providing a numeric indicator of growth for each assessment as well as a brief description of the assignment.  This numeric indicator allows us to present the clearest picture of growth via ManageBac as possible.

Teachers will be updating their grade-books every two weeks and will be including both formative and summative work.  This will highlight students progress throughout the term.

We will also be having an information session on December 5th highlighting the use of ManageBac and what it will look like for both parents and students.  Below is an example of what the information that parents and students would see when ManageBac is open.

BSSA Finals

The Senior Volleyball competition will be held here at BIS on the 6th of December.  Our students have put in a great deal of work and are now ready for their final competition.

PTFA Sausage Sizzle

We are so fortunate to have such a strong and supportive PTFA here at BIS.  This Tuesday they will be hosting a Sausage Sizzle coinciding with the BSSA volleyball competition.  Please come out and support our students, school and community!

Thank you for your continued interest and support of BIS and our students.

Kind Regards,

Justin Walsh

Secondary School Principal