Message from the Board

Dear BIS community,

We hope you  had a relaxing break and that your children are happy to be back at school with friends and teachers.

We would like to update the community regarding the Head of School and her future endeavors. Denise Walsh has decided not to extend her contract beyond July 2018 and to seek a new professional challenge in educational leadership.

We thank Denise for her professionalism, leadership and support during her time with BIS. Denise has been instrumental in moving our school forward, increasing enrollment and bringing in world class educators. She has brought stability, growth and sustainability to our very special school and community. The Board fully supports her decision and wishes her all the success in her new endeavor.

We look forward to a very fruitful and successful 2017/2018 academic year under her continued leadership, we still have many goals to achieve together until July 2018

The Board will soon form a search committee consisting of board members, members from the community and from amongst BIS staff to conduct a thorough search for our next leader. We will find an experienced and dynamic Head of School that will lead BIS through our next strategic initiatives. We will keep the community informed as we move through this process.

Wishing all of you a very enjoyable long weekend.

Kib Roby


Board of Directors

Yayasan Bali International School