Primary – Grade 1 Personal Timelines

As part of our UOI: Where We are in Place and Time, Grade 1 have been creating personal timelines. Using artifacts from our past and with the help of some photographs and facts from our parents, we were able to piece together our personal histories and we were able to write our own autobiographies in chronological order.

During Reader’s Workshop, we have been exploring the lives of some famous people. As a class, we were so curious and wanted to find out about the lives of some people who are interesting to us and have impacted the world in one way or another. Using books and the internet, we researched these famous people. We found out why they were famous and wrote about their interesting and important accomplishments.  We presented the important events in their lives on a poster. Then, we presented this poster to our classmates and explained what makes this person special and what the world has learned from them. Some of the biographies chosen and written by Grade 1 are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Amelia Earhart and Pablo Picasso.