Transitions – Leaving Families

The 1st of May has come and gone and the end of the school year is in sight. It’s that time of year when a number of our BIS students need to pack their bags and move on to new destinations. I’ll be meeting briefly with all leaving students to give them a “RAFT” booklet. This is a booklet that suggests four things to do before leaving [Reconciliation – Affirmations – Farewells – Think Destination]  to help with the transition. Parents, please take some time to talk to your child about the four steps. I recommend creating a “Bali Book” for your child with photos of favorite places, pets, friends, and the school. In addition, you can ask people to write little messages in the book. I did this for my own children when we left our last destination and these books are still very precious to them.

For parents I’ll be conducting a session about Transitions on Monday May 22nd in Room 1 from 8:00-9:00. I’ll send a reminder out a week before. For any questions, as always, feel free to email me at

Karin Holley