Test of emergency SMS system

Dear BIS Parents,

Today, I sent a text to all of you via our emergency SMS system.  The text of the message concerned the current traffic concerns in the area of the school.  Hopefully, you have all received this message.

If you haven’t, please contact the Primary Secretary, the Secondary Secretary or the school receptionist to ensure that we have correct emergency contact details for you.  Please be aware that these numbers are also the numbers we will use to contact you in an emergency concerning your child, so it is best to keep them up-to-date.  Please always inform us if you change your mobile phone number!

We have had several duck & cover / intruder drills over the past few weeks.  These had been very successful.  Please ask your child about them and learn what to do if you are on campus when the duck & cover siren is triggered.  When you are on campus, please always follow our alarm system, don’t assume that any alarm is a test and don’t attempt to leave the campus – you may be heading towards danger!

Thank you for your assistance and compliance with our safety protocols.

Best regards,

Denise Walsh

Head of School