Counselor’s Corner – May 31, 2019

Smooth Transitions: (for primary and secondary parents)

Is your family moving? Though we are sad to see you go we definitely want your transition to be a smooth one. To help with this, I am meeting with all students departing BIS at the end of this year and giving each of them a RAFT. Each student will meet with me to talk about how they feel about moving and will be given a RAFT booklet. The RAFT concept can be used by the whole family and helps transition to our new home without feelings of regret or unfinished business. The R stands for Reconciliation; is there anyone in your life here you need to apologize to or have a heart to heart with? This is the time for reconciliation. The A stands for Affirmations; are there people here you’d like to thank for helping and supporting you? Now is the time to show them your appreciation. The F stands for Farewell; Are there people, places, pets, or possessions you’ll be saying goodbye to? Now is the time to visit those special people and places one more time and relinquish pets and possessions to new owners with whom you know they’ll be in good hands. The T stands for Think Destination; What are you excited about and looking forward to in your new home? Now is the time to Talk about your new school, your new home, and the new opportunities that will be available to you there. We wish all departing families a smooth transition to your new homes and will continue to hold you in our hearts here at BIS, where you have each left a positive imprint.

Here are some good books about moving and transitioning:

Curious George Goes to School by Margret Rey

  • The Berenstain Bears Go To School by Jan and Stan Berenstain
  • Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
  • Benny & Omar by Eoin Colfer
  • The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
  • Moving day by Ralph Fletcher
  • Hey, New Kid! By Betsy Duffey
  • Footsteps Around the World, 2nd Ed. : Relocation Tips for Teens by Beverly D. Roman
  • The League of Super Movers: My Moving Adventure by Beverly D. Roman
  • Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds by David Pollock & Ruth E. Van Reken

Below are books on transitions that you can check out from our library:

  • Belonging Everywhere and Nowhere, 636.7 BUS, Secondary Nonfiction
  • The Mindful Teen, 155.9 VO, Secondary Nonfiction
  • Cliques. Phonies & Other Baloney, 158.2 ROM, Primary Nonfiction
  • Guide to Mastering Middle School, 373.2 MAT, Primary Nonfiction
  • Surviving Middle School, 373.18 REY, Secondary Nonfiction

Mindfulness at BIS: (for Primary and Secondary Parents)

This year has seen a new form of learning at BIS across the grade levels.  Students from Pre- K through Grade 12 have been taught mindfulness techniques to help them focus, pay closer attention to the world around and within themselves, choose thoughtful responses to challenging situations rather than knee-jerk reactions, bounce back more readily from strong emotions like anger and anxiety, and reduce stress and self-regulate.  A typical lesson at any grade level begins with the ding of a bell and students getting calm and quiet in their bodies while focusing on their breath- breathing in, breathing out. Students then learn a variety of ways to pay attention. We can pay attention to anything really; we just need to get quiet and still and stay focused to do so.  Students learn to pay attention acutely to sound, to body sensations, to emotions, to their daily environment, to thoughts, to motion, to eating, to generosity, and to heartfulness- sending kind thoughts to others which in turn makes us feel good. Students in the primary years have kept a mindfulness journal,  noting their experiences of each mindfulness activity they learn. They will carry these journals through to next year as they continue to learn new techniques and we continue to build a mindful school. For more information on this program and content please go to:

Opportunities for BIS Students (for Primary & Secondary Parents)

Dear Parents, Please continue to check the Opportunities for Students to view the college visits calendar and learn about upcoming college fairs, summer programs, camps, and scholarships for BIS students of all ages. This document is updated daily as new opportunities come in.

Looking for work experience?  Check out these options posted on UCAS to find paid and unpaid internship placements: