Message from the Head of School – August 16, 2019

August 16, 2019

Happy Indonesian Independence Day! 

We had a lovely flag raising ceremony today, followed by student performances and then games organized by our Indonesian teachers. Thank you to our host nation for providing food for all of us to enjoy. Everyone looked beautiful and handsome this morning dressed in the traditional clothing of Indonesia and supporting the red and white colors of the flag. Thank you all! 

Many countries have developed methods to maintain important elements of being a citizen. I am proud to say that Bali Island School complies fully with each and every Ministry of Education requirement. Our Indonesian students attend Agama lessons weekly, Bahasa Indonesia and PpKN (Civics). Our expatriate students attend Indonesian Studies through Grade 10 and then address civics lessons through IB subjects as they pertain to Indonesia.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “ My nationalism, fierce though it is, is not exclusive, is not devised to harm any nation or individual.” As an IB World School, BIS and all of our community members understand the importance of sharing different perspectives and striving for understanding. Gandhi’s quote reminds me to be proud of being Canadian, but to also remember to look for the commonalities my country’s values share with others. We, humanity, share so much. 

I listened to a podcast this week in which a Canadian-Egyptian filmmaker, Tarek Mounib, found a few Americans to accompany him to Egypt. The experience challenged deeply held beliefs and they were able to find the commonalities which helped to break down stereotypes and racist ideology. Here’s the article and 2 minute video if you are interested. 

As an international school accredited by CIS, WASC, and the IBO, we must have a living definition of international mindedness. A small committee has drafted a definition and now I am asking for feedback from faculty. It will come to you next and then the Board for approval. The committee has wrestled with terms and phrases, but I believe we have landed on a position that international mindedness is not something that we attain, but are ever working towards. It is a journey to better understand and learn from others, to become empathetic and to help others. The definition will be shared next week.

Today I am a proud Canadian. Proud to live in Indonesia and be learning every day about this beautiful country and cultures within. Prouder still to work at an international school which holds the idea of international mindedness as a beacon of hope for us all to aspire to.

Reminder: Tuesday, August 20 – ½ day for students

Calendar Change – Please take note

  • We have moved our Lunar New Year Holiday to January 24, 2020
  • January 23 will be a ½ day for our accreditation work.
  • February 25 will be a regular school day.