Message from the Head of School – September 6, 2019

Literacy Day

Thank you to all the parents who supported our Literacy Day celebration this morning. I spent a few moments looking around the field and soaking up the spirit of the morning. All students, faculty, and parents absorbed in the process of reading. I read a children’s story about a boy’s dream – a dream about animals loading a train with all sorts of items. For a few minutes, I was transported back to the days when I read picture books to my three children, and when my Dad read them to me. What a sweet space to be – precious memories. I was glad to see so many memories being created this morning as well.

Thank you to Pak NoahJon, Ibu Agung and Ibu Ketut for their assistance in making Literacy Day special at BIS. Thank you to PeriPlus for your support as well. Tomorrow the day is celebrated around the world, a good excuse to stay a bit longer in bed with a good book!

Head of School Presentation

I’m afraid I need to reschedule the first HoS Presentation to Wednesday, September 18 at 1:45 p.m. I need to attend to a personal situation back in Canada. Please accept my apologies and I look forward to seeing you all on the 18th if not earlier.

Craig Eldred will be acting HoS while I am away.

Enjoy a beautiful weekend in Bali with a book!
