Primary eNews – April 3, 2020

Primary Distance Learning Programme

I have been very pleased at all of the learning that I have seen on SeeSaw for Preschool to Grade 5 and Google Classrooms for Grades 4 & 5 over the last week. I have sat in on or visited numerous Zoom live video conferences during the week. Most of these included all students in a class getting together to see each other and reconnect. The teachers will continue to host these meetings over the coming weeks, but parents are also welcome to set up class Zoom get-togethers and share the meeting time and link on class Whats App groups.  Other Zoom meetings that have taken place this week include differentiated reading groups, Student Support, and EAL classes and check-ins for additional support by class teachers to support their students. 

A huge thank you to our teachers who have put long hours in preparing learning activities and videos, reviewing student work and providing feedback, answering questions and learning new technologies along the way. We have discovered very quickly what can normally be done in class in a lesson takes much longer when working online, but we are continuing to look at how we can improve our practice.  

Another huge thank you must go to parents for supporting your children and their teachers. We understand that many of you are juggling the learning of more than one child, still having to work and run the household. It is important that you and your children have balance during the day and stay well. Having a regular daily schedule with time for school work, time for relaxation and play will benefit everyone in the family.  

Finally the biggest thank you goes to the marvelous students who have shown themselves to be resilient learners. It’s been great to get into the Zoom meetings and see them all – their smiling faces really have buoyed the teachers’ spirits this week.


Parent Feedback on Distance Learning at BIS

We would ask all parents to complete the Parent Feedback on Distance Learning at BIS (Survey No. 1) so that we can take your feedback on board and continue improving our Distance Learning in the Primary School


Student Feedback on Distance Learning at BIS

We would also like to hear what our students think of the Distance Learning Programme at BIS. Students from Grades 3 – 5 will receive this survey via their school email account and the younger students can complete the form via this link (Primary Student Feedback on Distance Learning at BIS (Survey No 1) )with support from their parents.


Photos of Smiling Student and Teachers at BIS