Secondary Newsletter 36 – May 8, 2020

Principal’s Message
CAS Corner
MYP Personal Project
House Competition – BIS Toy Story
Counselor’s Corner

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents,

As we continue with Distance Learning we are endeavouring to fine tune what we are doing. Teachers are continuing to follow our written curriculum to ensure students meet the desired learning objectives in each subject. Teachers have adapted well to the online learning environment to ensure these objectives are being met. Planning interactive lessons and providing timely feedback to students takes a great deal of time in the face-to-face environment, however, our teachers know the importance of this and will continue to look for ways to improve in this area. We appreciate your feedback on how we can continue to improve. Please continue to email individual teachers and me directly with any questions or concerns.


Grade 11 students will be taking end of year exams using a program called These exams will be completed at home using this system which ensures exams are completed authentically. Individual teachers will provide details on what content these exams will assess. 

Grade 9 and 10 classes will have a final exam if the teacher requests this, students will be advised of the subjects in which they will have an end of year exam by the end of this week. Other classes will have arranged alternative assessment arrangements.

Secondary Awards Assembly

We will conduct a Secondary Awards Assembly on Wednesday, June 10. This assembly will include the following awards for each of Grades 6-11:

  • Academic Award
  • ATL Improvement Award
  • Learner Profile Award
  • Service as Action Award (Grade 11 CAS and EARCOS Global Citizenship Award)

Class teachers will present any additional awards in their classes.


Our Grade 12 students will have their virtual graduation ceremony on May 29. The link to the live stream will be shared with the BIS community.

Ross Ferris – Secondary Principal

CAS Corner
by Charles Angus Kneipp

Taman Bacaan Football Club

Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Today, we focused on working with the kids on a drill that would improve their dribbling, passing, finishing and footwork. We started the first 5 minutes with warm ups in order to prevent any injury that may occur due to the drills. After, we started a drill that used the footwork ladders, cones and the goal itself. We set up everybody in a line and let everybody take turns in order to ensure that everybody had a chance to try out the drill. Since we were also practicing finishing, we let the goalkeepers go in goal so that everybody got to practice the position that they play in. We have started using this form of training for every training session in order to maximise the usage of these skills. 

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 

However, in order to practice more defensive and passing skills, we played a game of ‘piggy in the middle’, where one person attempts to take the ball off of three people passing the ball around in a circle. We then finished off with a game in order to practice team communication and get used to using those skills in a game environment. This required planning as the members of the training team had to meet with one another in order to discuss which exercises would be the most effective to train the children. We also had to learn to work with the children in order to figure out what the most beneficial form of drills would be for them to truly develop their skills.

Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As a result, it also required that we all work with one another in order to ensure that the children are training properly and effectively. It also required our collaboration due to the fact that not all of us speak fluent Indonesian and so we would have to communicate with one another in order to make our intentions and instructions clear for the children. As a result from the practice games and trainings we have played, I have realised my own areas where I need to improve and my own strengths. I feel that overall, I have been an important part of the training process for the children and have improved significantly on the way that I have been teaching the children also.

MYP Personal Project Presentation

On Wednesday, Grade 9 students and their parents were invited to join a Zoom presentation that discussed the personal project. For those that missed the meeting I have created a presentation for you if you wish to view it. Please click here: Link to view presentation

I have extended the deadline for the students to have the following on Google classroom in video format or on a written document:

(Friday, May 29)

  • Your topic and what you plan to create/produce
  • Your Goal. Start with ‘My goal is to…’
  • Your choice of Global Context that gives your product/outcome context
  • Resources (what types of resources you will use that will enable you to reach your goal). How are you going to go about achieving your goal?
  • Process Journal type (how you will document it, ie. written, video etc)

If you choose a video format you need to also write down your actual goal as this may need to be tweaked.

Once your goal has been approved you will be asked to put it onto ManageBac. You will be shown how to do this at a later date.

House Competition- BIS Toy Story

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to the students and teachers who have sent photos of their toys doing an everyday activity! If you would like to join in the house competition you have until the end of school next Friday 15th May to send a photo to me by email. I look forward to sharing these with you and so far Saraswati are storming towards a victory… Come on everyone else! Mr Sutherland says house points are very close this year- so every entry counts.

Miss Taylor