Message from the Head of School – June 14, 2022

Thank You!
I would like to thank all members of the Bali Island School Community for the kindness shown to me over the past four years. I enjoyed my time immensely due in large part to the community members who time and time again demonstrated caring, grace and generosity, but chiefly the importance of education in the life of a child – our conversations, grounded in this value – often led to constructive and positive ends. 

To each and every Board member – thank you for your undying dedication to the welfare of Bali Island School and to the vision and mission of the school. I know each of you has always worked in the best interests of the school’s future, for the school’s future. To Ibu Regine, Ibu Su, and Pak Kib, and now to Ibu Ayu and Pak Wisesa as well – thank you for your guidance and support throughout my tenure. I learned so much from each of you.

To the parents, thank you for your great loyalty shown to BIS throughout my tenure, but chiefly over the past two years. I know you had options, but you stayed with BIS and for that, I will be forever grateful. 

To the faculty and staff of BIS – Thank you for your support and grace shown. We did it together! Each team pulled its weight and more throughout the pandemic. The academic department teams, the health committee, the maintenance and cleaning team, the security team, the IT team, the teaching and learning team, and the administrative team – each performed magnificently throughout challenging times. Understaffed and with full schedules, you proved that your “why” – your purpose as a professional – is to educate and support children to the best of your abilities each and every day, regardless of circumstances. Thank you!

Finally to the BIS students, thank you. Thank you for your smiles and laughter. Thank you for making each and every day at Bali Island School a true pleasure. Thank you for considering issues with a critical mind, forming your own opinions, and choosing your path. Thanks for looking outwards, not inwards. For including, not excluding. For serving others. For being mindful of yourself, your health, and the environment. For your dedication to your learning when it was hard. For finding your passions and pursuing them.  

Now go and change the world!


Be sure to take some time this summer to de-screen, spend time with a good book, build or create something with your hands, try something new and be sure to enjoy each day and breathe deeply.


Team Wyncoll Thank You!
This is a special school, a special community, and Jackie and I are grateful for each and every day we have been able to call it home. God bless Bali Island School, Bali, and Indonesia. 

Indonesia Maju, Indonesia Kuat!