Message from the Head of School – March 10th, 2023

IMPORTANT: Please recall that the deadline for re-enrollment for current BIS students is Friday, 17th March. After this date, enrollment will be opened up to the families who are on the waiting lists. You may re-enroll your child/children via this link and by paying the 15 million IDR registration fee to guarantee your place(s) for next school year, 2023-24.

Construction work: We have been anticipating an increased student enrollment for next academic year for some time now, due to our waiting lists. In light of this, we have been discussing how we can cope with this extra demand. The solution was to build more classrooms. Originally, the intention was to potentially start construction around April. However, our contractor has stated that more time will be needed to complete the new building extension to be ready for the start of the academic year 23-24. Therefore, construction work will take place on the area adjacent to the swimming pool next week, the week commencing Monday 13th March. We hope that any inconvenience will be kept to a minimum. 

On the subject of construction, several projects will be worked on during the upcoming break. For example, we hope to have completed the replacement of the netting around the football field at the car park 2, have extended the motorbike parking area in car park 1, and hopefully, construct a new meeting room above our admissions office. We will continue to invest in the school infrastructure and resources to deliver our vision.

Parking: we now have an additional car parking space in car park 2 at the back of the building. This can accommodate approximately another 20-25 cars. Please make use of this additional space for pick-up, drop-off and visits to schools where necessary. Thank you for your patience regarding parking.

Recall: our student-led conferences/student conferences will take place on Friday March 17th 2023. Note; students are expected to attend all meetings, both face-to-face, and online. Classes will be suspended, but students will accompany their parents to school.


Future dates for the diary:

  • Friday, March 17th, student conferences.
  • After the student conferences, BIS will enjoy a mid-semester break for students and faculty until and including Tuesday, 28th March. STUDENTS RETURN ON WEDNESDAY, 29TH MARCH. Please see the calendar here.