Message From the Head of School – June 5, 2020

Congratulations to our Grade 5 students who graduated from our PYP programme today. I am looking forward to the Exhibition on Monday which will showcase their growth as learners. 

Thank you to those community members who joined the Year in Review presentation yesterday afternoon. If you were unable to attend, please find the recording here.

Please join our entire BIS community for our final assembly as we celebrate the closing of an amazing year of growth next Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Bali time

Over the past few months, we have been challenged as human beings with images coming from the US. Racism continues to show itself as a predisposition for so many of us. It is at times like these, when humanity is challenged by our humanity towards others, that I, and we as an IB community, can feel some assurance that we are arming next generations to hold the value of international mindedness tight, to cherish it and fight for it. 

At BIS we believe that international mindedness is respecting diverse perspectives and building empathy by recognizing cultural diversity, commonalities, and understanding the local and global community.

The next generations are now challenging us adults to reflect on our biases. We have a duty to dig in to have hard conversations and to listen with sincerity. I’ll pass on this resource which I will be delving into this summer…

My summer goal is to build empathy for humanity.